Where is the library located?
The library is located on the East side of the 15th floor of Wilson Hall. Just turn right out of the East side elevators.
Where can I access library journal and database subscriptions?
Library journal subscriptions are available on our Journal List. Other electronic resources can be accessed from our Electronic Resources List.
I’m working off site, do I still have access to the library’s subscriptions?
When off site and logged in via VPN, library subscription access is automatic, just as if working on site. In addition, library subscriptions can be accessed from off site via proxy links, SSO, or institutional login. Links on our lists are proxy links and should work from anywhere, with or without VPN. Further details regarding off site access are available here.
I need an article that is in a journal the library doesn’t subscribe to. How can I get a copy of it? Does my department have to pay for it? How long does it take?
Send your article request to Library@fnal.gov, or fill out our Materials Request form. The library pays for articles needed by Fermilab researchers with a Fermilab ID. Most articles are supplied within 24-48 hours.
I need a book for my research that isn’t owned by the Fermilab Library. How can I obtain a copy?
The library can obtain books via interlibrary loan or can purchase eBooks relevant to our collection. Email the library at Library@fnal.gov or fill out our Materials Request form.
Can non-Fermilab employees visit the Fermilab Library?
No. The library is not available to non-Fermilab affiliated visitors.
I need an Overleaf Pro account, does the library provide them?
The Fermilab Library has an institutional account with Overleaf Writelatex. Licenses can be obtained for a fee that is charged back to your department or project task code. For more information, email Library@fnal.gov.
Does the library purchase or retain print materials?
The library acquires mostly digital content. We maintain a small collection of relevant print resources that can be viewed in our Book Catalog. Print resource requests are fulfilled using interlibrary loan whenever possible.
Is the library currently open? What are the library’s hours?
The library is always open to Fermilab badge holders with Wilson Hall access. Materials may be checked out using self-check-out cards located in the back of the books. If you need assistance, please email us at Library@fnal.gov. Library staff are available on site 2-3 days a week, or via email from 9:00-5:30 Monday through Friday.
I’m a visitor (or contractor) with a Fermilab ID. Can I use the library’s resources?
Materials and services offered by the Fermilab Library are available to all those with a valid Fermilab ID.
I need access to an engineering standard. Does the library provide standards?
The library has site-wide digital access to thousands of engineering standards. Most of our standards are available via the Accuris Engineering Workbench platform. We also have access to standards via ASTM, AWS, and NFPA. See our Engineering Standards page for information and links. If we do not have the standard you need, we can order it for you – usually at our cost. Email Library@fnal.gov with your request.
Where can I find information on copyright laws?
For information regarding copyright, please visit our Copyright Guidelines page.