Welcome to the Fermilab Library Library@fnal.gov
The Fermilab Library provides support for researchers at the lab, and for the high energy physics community worldwide. We provide access to eBooks, online journals, databases, and engineering standards to those affiliated with the lab. We share our resources outside the lab via interlibrary loan. The Fermilab Library is part of the Information Resources Department, which also facilitates Fermilab’s contributions to INSPIRE, the one-stop information platform for the HEP community, concentrating on Literature Records, Jobs, and Author Identity.
Library Announcements
New Library System and Catalog: OCLC WMS has been fully implemented. For more information, see our Resource Guide on Using WorldCat.
New Platform for Engineering Standards Available Now: Our engineering standards subscription has been renewed with Accuris. Standards are now on the Accuris Engineering Workbench platform. To learn more about the platform and how to navigate the site, click on “Accuris Customer Academy” on the landing page.
Databases Available from the IL State Library: The IL State Library has negotiated to provide access to some Ebsco databases to all Illinois libraries. Access is provided by IP recognition when on site and via VPN when working off site. A list of linked databases is available at https://library.fnal.gov/illinois-state-library-e-resource-program/.
Book Catalog
This is the online catalog for books, eBooks, AV, and digital subscriptions in the Fermilab Library collection.
Digital Resources
This is a list of our subscription databases and licensed products, including links for on and off site access. Off site access requires authentication.
Journal List
This is a list of our subscribed journals, including links for on and off site access. Off site access requires authentication.
Engineering Standards
Our Engineering Standards page provides links to our resources for accessing standards. For information on print resources, please contact the library at library@fnal.gov.
Materials Request
We welcome purchase requests for articles, ebooks, journals, engineering standards, online resources, and other services. Use our request form, or ask a librarian.
Not sure where to start? Check out our FAQ’s.