Electronic Resources


The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is an open access Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 10.4 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints.

AIP Publishing
On Site Access:  https://www.aip.org
Off Site Access:  https://aip-scitation-proxy.fnal.gov/
AIP Publishing is a not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP.) Fermilab has site-wide access to selected AIP journals.

APS Journals
On Site Access: http://journals.aps.org/browse/
Off Site Access:  https://journals-aps-proxy.fnal.gov/
APS Journals Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics

AR Annual Reviews
On Site Access:  http://www.annualreviews.org/
Off Site Access:  https://annualreviews-proxy.fnal.gov/
Annual Reviews offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year. Fermilab provides full online access to Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, and 5-year rolling back file access to other science titles.

Artech House eBooks
On Site Access: http://us.artechhouse.com/CloudPublish/Patron.aspx?c=fnal
Off Site Access: https://artechhouse-proxy.fnal.gov/
Fermilab has access to the eBook collection: Practical Books for Engineering Professionals
The library adds books to this platform as they are requested.

Open access to over 800,000 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics

There is also an ADS advanced interface for searching arXiv preprints:

ASTM Compass
Institutional Login Instructions
Access to engineering standards published by ASTM International, an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.

AWS Standards
On Site Access: https://awsstandardslibrary.com/main.aspx
Off Site Access: https://awsstandardslibrary-proxy.fnal.gov/
Fermilab has site-wide access to all AWS standards.

CERN Yellow Reports
The CERN Yellow Report series was started in 1955. It provided a medium for communicating the work done at CERN where publication in a journal was not appropriate. The yellow report series includes the proceedings of schools and of workshops having a large impact on the future of CERN, the series also includes reports on detectors and technical papers from individual CERN divisions.

CRC/Taylor and Francis eBooks
On Site Access: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/
Off Site Access: https://taylorfrancis-proxy.fnal.gov/
This engineering and science eBook platform includes CRC handbooks and other reference books, as well as eBooks published by Taylor and Francis.   The library adds books to this platform as they are requested.
View a list of Fermilab Library's CRC/Taylor and Francis eBooks

DOE Data Explorer
The DOE Data Explorer (DDE) is an information tool to help you locate DOE's collections of data and non-text information and, at the same time, retrieve individual datasets within some of those collections. It includes collection citations prepared by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, as well as records for individual datasets submitted from DOE Data Centers and other organizations.

Electronic Telegrams
Fermilab employees who are interested in an e-mail subscription to the International Astronomical Union’s Astronomical Telegrams may request to be added to the Library’s subscription at no charge. Subscribers receive about 5 to 10 e-mails weekly of IAU Circulars giving information about astronomical phenomena requiring prompt dissemination, particularly the discovery and follow-up of novae, supernovae and comets.

Elsevier Journals
Site-wide full-text access to over 2,000 science journals, including the Elsevier Freedom Collection from 1995-current, and complete online access to the High Energy Physics Backfile.  Also included is the backfile for Cryogenics, and The Journal of the Less Common Metals.

Fermilab HEP Conference Proceedings
A site for the permanent archiving of conference websites.

Fermilab Technical Reports
Fermilab preprints, technical memos, physics notes, Ph.D. theses, Masters theses, Bachelors theses, experiment proposals, design reports, letters of intent, Fermilab workbooks, PBAR notes, miscellaneous reports, national accelerator laboratory reports, annual reports, underground physics committees, experimental notes, LINAC notes, Fermilab conferences, and more.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
On and Off Site Access via SSO: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp
Site-wide full text access back to 2005 to IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity and  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,  as well as access to 10,000 saved articles in our IEEE File Cabinet. Please also check JACoW and INSPIRE for open-access articles.

High Energy Physics open access database containing preprints, published articles, conference proceedings, LHC experimental notes, theses, and more. Besides high energy physics resources, INSPIRE-HEP also contains limited resources in astrophysics, nuclear physics, cosmology, and other related fields.

International Astronomical Union’s Astronomical Telegrams
See Electronic Telegrams above

IOP Science
On Site Access: https://iopscience.iop.org/
Off Site Access: https://iopscience-proxy.fnal.gov/
In addition to access to several journals, the Fermilab Library subscribes to the IOP Concise Physics eBook Collection, a 50 title eBook collection that focuses on shorter texts in rapidly advancing areas or topics where an introductory text is more appropriate.  See the list of titles here.

The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes open access proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.   Originally created for the publication of the proceedings of the Asian, European, and North American particle accelerator conferences (which in 2010 became the International Particle Accelerator Conference series, or IPAC), today the site hosts the proceedings of the following JACoW collaboration conferences: ABDW, APAC, BIW, COOL, CYCLOTRONS, DIPAC, ECRIS, EPAC, FEL, HIAT, IBIC, ICALEPCS, ICAP, IPAC, LINAC, NA-PAC, PAC, PCaPAC, RuPAC, SRF. Also published at this site includes information about the JACoW collaboration, help for authors submitting work to JACoW conferences, and help and tools for editors of conference proceedings and members of the JACoW Team

NFPA Fire Code
Provides online access to NFPA® codes and standard. The NFPA database also includes NEC 70 - the National Electrical Code.

National Technical Reports Library is the search database of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). It offers free public access to a database of over three million federal science and technology reports

Nuclear Science References (NSR)
The NSR database is a bibliography of nuclear physics articles, indexed according to content and spanning more than 100 years of research.

O'Reilly Online Learning
O'Reilly Online Learning provides access to O’Reilly computer books, videos, tutorials, and live streamed classes. Contact library@fnal.gov for an individual account (you will need a task code), or go to the O'Reilly web page to sign up for a free trail period.

Overleaf is a collaborative writing and publishing system that lets you create, edit and share your scientific ideas easily online using LaTeX. Overleaf is available with a small fee payable by task code. Contact Library@fnal.gov to inquire about license availability.

Physics Journals Index
List of 2900 physics and astrophysics journals with URLs, abbreviations, and links to top cited articles.

On Site Access: http://prola.aps.org/
Off Site Access: https://journals-aps-proxy.fnal.gov/archive/browse
Complete site-wide full text access to the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) the American Physical Society's online archive for Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review A–E.   It contains all APS journal articles published from 1893–present.

ProQuest Dissertation Express
ProQuest disseminates and archives more than 90,000 new graduate works each year.  Search for a dissertation on their site, then send your request to the Fermilab Library for ordering.

On Site Access: http://library.fnal.gov/elsevier.html
Off Site Access: https://sciencedirect-proxy.fnal.gov/
Site-wide full-text access to over 2,000 science journals

Published by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society. Contact library@fnal.gov for a free password account. SciFinder is a research tool that provides: substance information including chemical structures, chemical names, CAS Registry Numbers®, properties, commercial availability and regulatory information; chemical reaction information including reaction schemes, experimental procedures, conditions, yields, solvents, catalysts, as well as commercial availability of substances with direct links to leading producer and supplier sites; chemistry and related science information found in journals, patents, dissertations and more.

SciTech is your connection to science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy

Science.gov is your gateway to U.S. federal science. Science.gov searches over 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results.

SPIE Conference Proceedings
On Site Access: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/
Off Site Access: https://spiedigitallibrary-proxy.fnal.gov/
The world's largest collection of optics and photonics research database provides access to SPIE proceedings and journals. The SPIE conference program is known for bringing together engineers and scientists at the top of their fields to present their latest research and network with peers. The conferences result in over 350 proceedings annually. SPIE journals offer peer-reviewed articles on applied research in optics and photonics, including optical engineering, electronic imaging, biomedical optics, microlithography, remote sensing, and nanophotonics.

Springer eBooks
On Site Access: http://link.springer.com/search?facet-discipline=%22Physics%22&showAll=false&facet-content-type=%22Book%22
Off Site Access: https://link-springer-proxy.fnal.gov/
Fermilab has access to eBooks in the Physics and Astronomy Collection from 2005 to current, and Math and Statistics Collection from 2005 to current.

Springer Journals
On Site Access: https://link.springer.com/journals/a/1
Off Site Access: https://link-springer-proxy.fnal.gov/
Complete site-wide full text access to over 1500 scientific journals.
Browse journal titles at https://link.springer.com/journals/a/1

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